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  • Nov 08, 2018

    SMiShing 101: phishing, but more dangerous

    Warnings about the dangers of email phishing are common, but not as many people know about the rise of SMiShing, phishing’s dangerous and tempting relative.
  • Nov 08, 2018

    CSI Ohio seeks CPAs’ input via survey

    Ohio’s Common Sense Initiative Office is asking CPAs and others in Ohio’s business community to complete a short survey on Ohio’s regulatory environment.
  • Nov 02, 2018

    Lt. Gov., Gateway team answer CPAs’ concerns

    In response to a September meeting with OSCPA, The Ohio Business Gateway team is assembling a group “with significant CPA representation” to provide feedback on the gateway.
  • Oct 31, 2018

    OSCPA joins initiative to fight the wage gap

    The voluntary, employer-led initiative is a concerted effort to close the gender wage gap in Columbus, with companies such as GBQ, EY and Plante & Moran also signing on.
  • Oct 31, 2018

    Podcast: How to handle employee insubordination

    It’s every manager’s nightmare: not only are you dealing with a disobedient employee, but their disruptive behavior is playing out in public.