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Keep up-to-date with the latest happenings in accounting

Written on Jul 31, 2020

Social media is one of the best ways to stay connected to others in accounting and keep abreast of profession news and updates.

Chances are, if you’re on Twitter, you’re following a handful of the folks who made it on to Avalara’s Accounting Top 100 social media leaderboard on May 9.

Personally, I follow Tom Hood, CEO of the Maryland Association of CPAs, Danetha Doe, who has spoken at OSCPA events in the past and recently provided a business development workshop for our staff, and Amy Vetter, a speaker who has delivered powerful content for OSCPA in the past and who also will be at our fall accounting shows. But you can be sure I’ll add a few more of the Top 100 to my feed.

Of course, we couldn’t be prouder that our own Eileen Sass, CPA, Aaron Pike, CPA, and Rita Keller, CPA, maintained their spots on the list!

You can see all 100 (and learn more about how to be included on the leaderboard) here.

OSCPA also keeps up with the latest news and information from influencers and publications across the map. Follow us on Twitter @OSCPA to stay well-informed on the issues affecting Ohio’s CPAs.