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ABO mails reminder to 7,000 unregistered licensees

Written on Sep 27, 2018

The Accountancy Board of Ohio (ABO) last week mailed hard-copy renewal notices to the more than 7,000 CPA/PA licensees with a Dec. 31, 2018 expiration date who have yet to register in the Ohio eLicense system.

Notices likely arrived this week for most of those licensees. The ABO said those who are experiencing technical problems or are unable to log in to Ohio eLicense should call the customer service center at 614.644.6860. They noted that licensees need to use Google Chrome as their browser.

The renewal window opens Oct. 2 and will roll to ‘late renewal’ on Jan. 1. All renewing licensees (registered and non-registered) will be notified via email on Oct. 2. Reminders will be sent at 60 days, 30 days, and 7 days before the Dec. 31 deadline. Notices will also be sent on Jan. 1, when license statuses change to “Expired” or “Suspended.”