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Nonprofit news from around the web: Sept. 24 – 28, 2018

Written on Sep 25, 2018

In case you missed them, here are some recent interesting nonprofit news items from around the web.

Advisers drawing in clients with charitable approach
Financial advisers need to broaden their approach to marketing and embrace new business development ideas if they want to grow, and incorporating philanthropy is one tactic that many advisers are finding success with, according to a practice management expert.

Do corporate tax incentives work? Not too often
Borrowing against future property tax revenue (known as tax-increment financing) in the name of jobs may be the most prevalent form of economic development subsidy. Corporations benefit, but local government and communities often are left paying the bills.

3 steps nonprofits can take to bolster cybersecurity
Nonprofit organizations are not immune from IT security threats but have a variety of ways to boost their defenses.

Nonprofit operating margins struggle despite strong balance sheets
For the second year, nonprofit health system operating margins have seen clear credit deterioration despite the strength of balance sheet metrics. A report shows operating margins have suffered in recent years but managed to secure an "A" rating while balance sheet levels have achieved an all-time high rating of "AA-."

Tech Corner - Are you ‘more dumber’ than your smartphone?
When all is said and done, the average person will waste about five years of his or her life on a smartphone. Here are some practical ways to wean yourself from your device – and plenty of reasons you should seriously consider doing so.


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