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Employee Benefit Plan Audit Conference

Written on Dec 4, 2018

As a professional who performs highly specialized benefit plan audits, it’s crucial to maintain a heightened (and ahead of) specialty level of knowledge. You can expect facilitated, hands-on discussions moderated by top EBP audit professionals in the following areas:

  • Explore what’s ahead in the world of employee benefits with an update from the Department of Labor.
  • Challenge your knowledge of auditing in an electronic environment, conducting initial audits, documenting risk assessments and assessing cybersecurity and fraud risk.
  • Examine the complexities of auditing non-traditional investments.
  • Brush up on the fundamentals of EBP in our boot camp session that features nationally known experts and case study reviews.

Attend in person or via webcast to network, exchange information and discuss best practices with your peers and subject matter experts who – like you – are committed to audit quality.

April 25 I Columbus

April 25 | Webcast