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ODT to abate gateway-related penalties and interest

Written on Jul 26, 2018

OSCPA staff report

Ohio Tax Commissioner Joe Testa on Wednesday said the Ohio Department of Taxation will not assess a penalty or charge additional interest to those it can verify have been impacted by recent issues with the Ohio Business Gateway.

Users of the gateway have experienced delays in recent weeks as it transitions to an updated platform, though OSCPA members report the situation is improving. On July 25, Testa issued a statement on the modernized gateway.

Please note: for persons who we can verify have tried to file/pay a tax obligation by the deadline and have opened an OBG case documenting a problem, the Department of Taxation will not assess a penalty or charge additional interest.”

He said the Ohio Department of Administrative Services and ODT “have added help desk staff to address concerns as quickly as possible.”

You can read the statement in its entirety here. Meanwhile, Society members still having OBG issues should contact OSCPA Director of Tax Policy Greg Saul by email or phone at 614.764.2727 x2224 so we can help expedite your case if needed. Please provide your case number(s) to him.

Related: Ohio Business Gateway Q&As