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OSCPA files second amicus brief to support muni tax reforms

Written on Jul 5, 2018

OSCPA staff report

The Ohio Society of CPAs and other business groups on Monday filed an amicus brief detailing further arguments for the need for the centralized collection and administration of the municipal net profits tax.

The July 2 brief is similar to one filed May 30 that covered the municipal tax compliance requirements businesses faced before the enactment of H.B. 5 (130th GA) and H.B. 49 (132nd GA) and explained the need for the reforms those bills brought. The most recent brief contains additional arguments raised by the plaintiffs in the second case, which were not made in the first case.

The other business groups filing in the case are the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business in Ohio, the Ohio REALTORS, the Manufacturing Policy Alliance, the Ohio Contractors Associations, the National Electrical Contractors Associations and the Mechanical Contractors Association.

To learn more contact OSCPA Tax Policy Director Greg Saul, Esq, CAE, at 614.764.2727, ext. 2224.