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Ohio Business Gateway follows up on technical issues

Written on Oct 25, 2018

OSCPA staff report

The Ohio Department of Administrative Services recently released an update on issues CPAs and other business leaders have reported experiencing on the updated Ohio Business Gateway.

The Ohio Society of CPAs attended an Aug. 27 interested party meeting that State Rep. Tim Schaffer, R-Lancaster, led and the responses are specifically directed to discussion topics that participants raised during that meeting.

One issue the PDF documents address concerns displaying the last four digits of the Social Security number for transactions with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. The discussion group also stated that user experience would be improved by allowing for alphabetical sorting.

The Ohio Business Gateway Team acknowledged the issue.

“Additional follow-up discussions are needed between the Gateway and JFS to validate this timeframe,” the OBG team wrote. “However, these issues have been noted as system enhancement requests and are being targeted for a fall 2018 implementation. DAS appreciates this feedback.”

Other topics that the OBG team addressed range from slow processing time to the need for more information upon checkout for audit processing purposes. You can read the complete document here, along with a supporting appendix.

OSCPA members and the public can still submit feedback for OBG system enhancement requests via this link.