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Leadershift: Drive Results Through Ethical Performance Mgmnt

ID: 64347
Friday February 14, 2025 09:00AM - 01:00PM
Ethics + Professional Standards
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Do you find yourself challenged to achieve the results you want? While leading employees can be one of the most challenging activities, it is also one of the most impactful leadership skills few seem to master. Inspirational leadership looks like lifelong employees reaching their full potential AND impactful business results that are repeated year after year. Striking the balance between these two critical aspects does not have to be rocket science. In this power-packed course, the formula to be an Inspirational leader has been masterfully developed and covers the soft skills of Inspirational leadership and the Results Model: Goal Setting + Coaching + Follow Up with proven results from dozens of both large and small companies. These cornerstones are simple but can be hard to execute because it is HOW you do it first, then WHAT you do second. This exciting course is designed to ignite your leadership skills by putting theory into practice; drilling into real live examples and experiencing first-hand what excellence sounds like through role-playing and building your action plan. Get ready to become an inspirational leader and learn the steps required to get the results you really want. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Audit 301: Code of Professional Conduct - Key for Auditors

ID: 64350
Friday February 14, 2025 11:00AM - 01:00PM
Ethics + Professional Standards
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Professional Requirements for Assurance Providers, Including Independence - Understanding Critical Code of Professional Conduct Concepts will dig deeper into important foundational principles, primarily focusing on threats to independence and how to avoid or appropriately safeguard them. The AICPAs Code of Professional Conduct provides guidance for ethical business conduct, as well as other potentially relevant ethical requirements from the PCAOB and international bodies. An important pillar of any Code of Professional Conduct is the rules governing independence when performing attest services, particularly when both attest and non-attest services are provided. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for in-charge or supervisor auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has audit or attest engagement responsibilities. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Ethics: IRS Behavioral Insights for Accountants

ID: 64359
Friday February 14, 2025 04:00PM - 06:00PM
Ethics + Professional Standards
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This course provides a concise overview of how the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) thinks. The session reviews how the agency uses behavioral insights -- the study of how people reflect and behave -- to drive compliance, positively impact taxpayer engagement, and reduce taxpayer burden. While the IRS is governed by federal tax law, it's also shaped by social norms. As part of their mission to collect taxes and administer the Internal Revenue Code, the agency utilizes human psychology to achieve their goals. These activities include public identity (using the IRS logo, seal, and symbol), voluntary compliance (using public shaming and the "Wesley Snipes" effect), trust building (using a Taxpayer Bill of Rights), and error reductions (using alerts and reminders to nudge behaviors). The session reveals how to "get into the head" of the agency and better understand the key psychological factors (individual, environmental, social) that drive leading IRS operations and decisions. The course also spotlights the leading issues and pain-points that are currently "top of mind" for the agency and how practitioners can be more mindful in their interactions with the IRS to improve outcomes. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Creating a Culture of Trust in a Fraud-filled World

ID: 64361
Monday February 17, 2025 09:30AM - 11:30AM
Ethics + Professional Standards
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This session will highlight recent cases of ethical failures and fraud and will highlight concepts of trust, personal accountability, responding to fraud, and the conduct expected of CPAs outlined in the Code of Professional Conduct. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The CFO Who Went to Prison

ID: 64369
Monday February 17, 2025 01:30PM - 03:30PM
Ethics + Professional Standards
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Joshua, a CFO from Chicago, did not go to prison for stealing the $2 million in liquid cash he had access to on a daily basis. Instead, Joshua ended up in prison by rationalizing that he was entitled to a few small perks of the profession. This course explores Joshua's story and covers how and why executives with high annual incomes make short-sighted decisions that can cost them their job and freedom. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

A Culture of Regulatory Ethics: A Competitive Advantage

ID: 64379
Tuesday February 18, 2025 11:00AM - 03:00PM
Ethics + Professional Standards
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In a competitive market, every company is looking for anyway to differentiate themselves from their competition. While we often look to new markets and data for a competitive advantage, ethics can be the factor that makes the biggest difference to customers, employees, and the public at large. Using surveys, research, case studies, and examples, this course will explore why the CPA credential and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct is so different. We will discuss why CPA's are in a unique position of trust and how this can put their companies ahead. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Leadershift Ethics: Things Must Change!

ID: 64380
Tuesday February 18, 2025 12:00PM - 02:00PM
Ethics + Professional Standards
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With the rapid pace of change, change now happens daily in business and our personal lives. It can be difficult to navigate change when right and wrong get a bit fuzzy. New processes, new technology, new circumstances and new impacts to people must be measured and decisions made as the change evolves. Change always becomes something different than what was originally planned or imagined. In this session, learn how to measure your ethics through change. You will learn how to filter everything you do during change through a simple litmus test. Through the power of story, you will learn from the lessons of other organizations and their ethical mistakes. Lastly, you will take away what is required to manage yourself so that when ethical decisions arise, you have the mental capacity to manage through it well. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Ethics: How Successful CPAs Use AI The Right Way

ID: 64388
Wednesday February 19, 2025 09:00AM - 10:00AM
Ethics + Professional Standards
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Artificial intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT are hot topics in the news, but what exactly are they? How might AI enhance your accounting practice? What are some dangers it presents and how can you avoid getting trapped in them? This engaging, timely and fun webinar will help you appreciate the benefits and ethical challenges of using AI in general and ChatGPT in particular in your work as a CPA. You'll come away with clear guidelines about what you need to consider if you decide to incorporate AI into your business. Note: this program qualities for one CPE credit in behavioral ethics! Also, it will be useful to you, even if you're not a CPA. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Accounting of the Soul: Making the World a Better Place

ID: 64395
Wednesday February 19, 2025 05:00PM - 06:00PM
Ethics + Professional Standards
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This workshop explores how each of us can play a part in helping to make the world a more fair and gentler place. This one-hour webinar includes an overview of Aristotle's virtue ethics and its application to present day life. We will focus on the virtue of compassion both individually and organizationally and its impact on individual, organizational and world wellbeing. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Whistleblowers and the Law

ID: 64402
Thursday February 20, 2025 11:30AM - 01:30PM
Ethics + Professional Standards
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Honest people face real challenges when working in an unethical environment. Business owners may be at risk if team members feel as though policies and practices within the business violate rules, regulations, or laws. Some of those employees may contact authorities. Perhaps they work in an undercover capacity, exposing the business owner and other people that work with the business, or align with the business, to both government investigations and potentially criminal prosecutions. Participants will learn from a real story which led to criminal prosecution for Medicare Fraud. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.