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Power BI - Use PBI Desktop to Create Reports and Dashboards

ID: 63689
Friday February 14, 2025 9:00AM - 1:00PM
Topics: Technology

This webcast is part of the 2020 Power BI Series. Please see below for the suggested viewing order.

Power BI Desktop is a new stand-alone tool that adds visualization to your data. This webcast focus is on learning the Power BI Desktop interface, connecting to data sources and creating the visualizations. We will demonstrate the creation of each of the various visualizations and the various options related to each.

We will also show how the visualization can be connected together to provide fully-interactive reports with drill-down capabilities. This webcast does not require any Excel knowledge but understanding Power Pivot and Power Query can reduce your learning curve.

This series is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Regardless of the version you are using, most concepts covered in this webcast series apply to all versions of Excel. (bold) *However, in order to follow along and apply concepts being taught during this session, you need to have the Power Pivot add-in installed.

Explore the other webcasts in the 2020 Power BI Series:

Power BI - Introduction to MS Power BI Tools

Power BI - Prepare Your Data Efficiently for Excel Analysis

Power BI - Analyze Your Data With Excel Pivot Tables

Power BI - Create Excel Dashboards for Maximum Impact

Power BI - Use Power Query to Transform Your Data

Power BI - Go Beyond PivotTables with Power Pivot

Power BI - Use Advanced Calculations with DAX Formulas

Power BI - Share Your Data Analysis using