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Tax Fundamentals of LLCs and Partnerships - Tax Staff Essentials

ID: 63667
Tuesday January 28, 2025 09:00AM - 05:00PM
Your price

Most U.S. businesses are formed as a pass-through entity, which includes partnerships. If you are new to the subject, or if you have worked in this area for years but need a quick review, this course will provide a firm grasp of the fundamental concepts, help you to build a strong foundation of knowledge, and freshen up your analytical skills. Talking about tax can sometimes sound like you're speaking a foreign language in front of your clients. You can leverage the tone of the course materials to explain complex issues with accuracy and confidence.

Ethics: 10 Essential Movies, TV Shows, and Books for CPAs

ID: 63942
Tuesday January 28, 2025 09:00AM - 10:00AM
Ethics + Professional Standards
Your price

You love movies. You enjoy TV. You read books. That's why this is the webinar for you. The best works in popular culture provide valuable lessons in how to live your life well. Sometimes they show what *not* to do, which is just as important. A good story well told is the best way to learn what it means to be both a successful CPA and an honorable human being. This dynamic one-hour presentation will provide you with a list of recommended movies, TV shows and books that are enjoyable, provocative (in the best way), and guaranteed to yield rich dividends. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Schedule C of Form 1040

ID: 63943
Tuesday January 28, 2025 10:30AM - 12:30PM
Your price

Many self-employed or sole proprietors find themselves having to navigate Schedule C in reporting business income. While this attachment to Form 1040 seems straightforward on the surface, there are many traps for the unwary. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Audit 407: Auditing Contingencies and Going Concern

ID: 63944
Tuesday January 28, 2025 11:00AM - 01:00PM
Audit + Assurance
Your price

Auditing Contingencies and Going Concern Uncertainty - Testing for Completeness and Proper Disclosure will provide tips and techniques for obtaining sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support conclusions related to contingencies and going concern uncertainty. Financial statements may contain significant uncertainties requiring special audit consideration for evaluating proper accounting and financial reporting treatment. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for supervisory or managerial auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for evaluating loss contingencies and substantial doubt about going concern. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Leadershift: Drive Results Through Ethical Performance Mgmnt

ID: 63945
Tuesday January 28, 2025 11:00AM - 03:00PM
Ethics + Professional Standards
Your price

Do you find yourself challenged to achieve the results you want? While leading employees can be one of the most challenging activities, it is also one of the most impactful leadership skills few seem to master. Inspirational leadership looks like lifelong employees reaching their full potential AND impactful business results that are repeated year after year. Striking the balance between these two critical aspects does not have to be rocket science. In this power-packed course, the formula to be an Inspirational leader has been masterfully developed and covers the soft skills of Inspirational leadership and the Results Model: Goal Setting + Coaching + Follow Up with proven results from dozens of both large and small companies. These cornerstones are simple but can be hard to execute because it is HOW you do it first, then WHAT you do second. This exciting course is designed to ignite your leadership skills by putting theory into practice; drilling into real live examples and experiencing first-hand what excellence sounds like through role-playing and building your action plan. Get ready to become an inspirational leader and learn the steps required to get the results you really want. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Excel - Functions and Formula Shootout

ID: 63666
Tuesday January 28, 2025 12:00PM - 02:00PM
Your price

Function refresh (bold)

Did you know that Microsoft adds new functions throughout the year in the Office 365 version of Excel? Are you stuck using old or simple functions like SUM or ROUND? Do you want to expand your knowledge of the extensive function library in Excel? If these questions perk your interest in becoming an Excel function expert, this webcast is right up your alley!

This past-paced webcast digs into some of the most powerful functions in Excel. Although, we cannot cover all 470 functions, we will look at over 20 functions that will allow you to create advanced calculations in your spreadsheets. Functions like:
VLOOKUP, IF, IFS, FORECAST, RAND, SWITCH, TEXTJOIN, UNIQUE, SUBTOTAL, IS, TEXT and more! We will also provide examples files that will include all the functions used during the class. It's time to take your Excel spreadsheets to the next level.

This webcast is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Regardless of the version you are using, most concepts covered in this webcast apply to all versions of Excel.

Securing Your Data with a Password Management App - Updated

ID: 63946
Tuesday January 28, 2025 12:00PM - 02:00PM
Your price

Cybersecurity protection is one of the most important responsibilities of every CPA professional to protect the confidentiality of sensitive client information. While there are many aspects of cybersecurity that need to be addressed, the biggest vulnerability to protect against is unauthorized access to your application login credentials. Once your login credentials are breached, the cybercriminal essentially has the keys to your data kingdom. John Higgins, a national leader in the CPA technology, will demonstrate the ease with which you can protect all of your login credentials with maximum security with minimal expense. You will leave this course prepared to deploy this state of the art security tool in your organization. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Beware the Tax Enforcers: How the US Prosecutes Tax Evaders

ID: 63947
Tuesday January 28, 2025 01:00PM - 03:00PM
Ethics + Professional Standards
Your price

The Tax Division, United States Department of Justice, is responsible for enforcing the nation's tax laws fully, fairly, and consistently, through both criminal and civil litigation. This course will explore the role of the Tax Division in ensuring fair and uniform enforcement of tax laws, protecting the public, encouraging voluntary compliance with tax laws, and how their operations impact regulatory ethics. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Audit 408: Coaching Staff to Stay on the Right Track

ID: 63948
Tuesday January 28, 2025 01:30PM - 03:30PM
Essential Skills + Professional Development
Your price

Supervisor Skills - Coaching Staff to Stay on the Right Track provides tips and techniques for critical coaching responsibilities. Being a successful coach requires tackling various responsibilities, including motivating, providing positive and constructive feedback, and otherwise getting the best performance out of engagement team members in the given situation. Note: This course is recommended as a part of a 16-hour audit skills curriculum for supervisory or managerial auditors, while it is also appropriate for anyone who has responsibilities for coaching others. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Project Management: Employ Best Practices & Mindset

ID: 63949
Tuesday January 28, 2025 04:00PM - 06:00PM
Business Management + Strategy
Your price

Project Management is not the same as workflow management, and a project manager is more than a task master. Driving change, leading a team and managing client engagements requires a great deal of organization and planning. Successfully launching a new technology, onboarding clients, developing a new service line ... all takes more than a checklist of to-do items. You need to monitor risks and opportunities. You need to gain buy-in to drive adoption. Proper scoping and projections help keep projects on course, and not become a costly experiment that gets shoved to the back burner. Project managers are trained in analyzing the data while also managing people. In this session explore basic project management best practices and mindset to more effectively managing change in your firm.