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Generations at Work: Leveraging Everyone's Potential

ID: 61709
Wednesday July 10, 2024 12:00AM - Wednesday April 30, 2025 12:00AM
Topics: Essential Skills + Professional Development Talent Management + Human Resources

No previous generation has entered the workforce with more stereotypes and greater potential. Today’s twenty-somethings were raised on a steady diet of technology, multi-tasking, social networking and 24/7 connectivity. The rules of work are changing. This awareness-building series features a candid discussion with a panel of younger workers offering opinions and advice on how your organization can maximize communication, harmony and productivity across all generations. Directed at supervisors who work with this age group, but all staff can benefit from this series. The goal of this series is to raise awareness of the potential in younger generations as they enter and begin to assume leadership roles in today’s workforce. How can they contribute to and improve the way businesses do business? Participants who successfully complete this series of courses should be able to identify the shared characteristics and strengths of younger members of the workforce, how to attract them to your business, how to coach them, empower them and retain them long enough to have a positive impact on your bottom line.