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Expert Insights: Best Use of Your Valuable Time with Barbara Bruno

ID: 61700
Wednesday July 10, 2024 12:00AM - Wednesday April 30, 2025 12:00AM
Topics: Essential Skills + Professional Development

Welcome to the “Expert Insights: Best Use of Your Valuable Time with Barb Bruno” course designed to help learners use a systematic approach to making the best use of their time. Barb is a recruiting trainer and CEO of Good As Gold Training and is passionate about her clients seeing quality staffing training pay off. This course, comprising 12 lessons, is for people struggling with the feeling that there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done, and will cover how learners can exercise control over how their time is utilized. To access your activity IDs, a "View CECertificate" button will display on the profile upon completion of thecourse. This program is valid for 1 PDC for Society for Human ResourceManagement (SHRM), 1 hour(s) of recertification credit through the HRCertification Institute (HRCI) and 1 PDU for the Project Management Institute(PMI).