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July/August issue of CPA Voice is now available online

Written on Aug 8, 2024

Read the latest issue of CPA Voice online now, covering ChatGPT, accounting frameworks and productive accountability conversations.  

With the online version you can:   Read CPA Voice on any device 

  • Search keywords and quickly find what you need 

  • Copy and paste article text 

  • Access our archive of previous issues 

Don’t miss this convenient, self-study CPE – Now free!                   

Did you know that reading CPA Voice can help you satisfy your CPE requirement? No matter your location or the time of day – and even when your internet is on the fritz – you can gain CPE credit with each issue.        

Every edition includes a 12-question self-assessment exam covering content from that issue. Receive a grade of 75% or higher and you’ll earn one hour of CPE credit in specialized knowledge.            
Best of all, you can take the exam when and where it’s convenient for you. Exams are available online – and may be completed for CPE – through the same month of the following year.        

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