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Action required - Ohio Business Gateway Webinar

Written on Oct 10, 2024

OSCPA members have until Dec. 2 before multi-factor authentication becomes an OH/ID login requirement for the OBG. Those practitioners who do not request user access and add their clients before Dec. 2 could lose access to filing and paying in the OBG for their clients.    

Representatives of both the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) and the Ohio Department of Taxation (ODT) will be leading an Ohio Business Gateway (OBG) webinar on Wednesday, October 30th from 11am to noon to assist OSCPA members.   

Register for the webinar at the following link and receive one hour of specialized knowledge CPE credit:  
In the meantime, resources are now available here to begin implementing these requirements. 

TechCred: Another upcoming webinar opportunity (no CPE credit) is to join MAX Technical Training for a one-hour virtual workshop on Wednesday, October 16th from 11am to noon.  The workshop is designed to help you take advantage of Ohio's TechCred program. 

Members can register here: Ohio TechCred Workshop: Preparing to apply 

If you missed the September round, now is the time to prepare as the next application period to secure funding runs from Nov. 1 – 29.  More information is available here


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