Will new accounting standards keep the healthcare industry healthy?
Recently, the AICPA Health Care Expert Panel Chair discussed some of the industry-specific questions and observations surrounding the healthcare industry's adoption of the clarified guidance around grants and contributions. Listen in to learn more about FASB’s Accounting Standards Update 2018-08.
Why employers pay too much for health care
Did you know that employers are paying hospitals more than twice as much as what Medicare pays? At some hospitals they are paying four times as much. Those are the findings from a new study by the RAND Corporation.
Add ‘surprise billing’ to U.S. health care worries
Much of the debate over health care in America is what to do about the tens of millions of people who lack coverage. The latest issue to flare involves people who do have coverage, yet still can be financially imperiled by sky-high “surprise billing.”
What is direct primary care? An alternative form of health care avoids insurance altogether
As Americans grapple with a health care system that costs $10,000 per person annually, a form of health care that avoids the insurance system — known as direct primary care — is starting to become an alternative option.
Tech Corner — Your company needs a strategy for voice technology
Voice assistants, smart speakers and all manner of voice-first technology have enjoyed remarkable growth and adoption. The emergence of voice, which serves as the front door for artificial intelligence and machine learning, is already making a mark on a wide variety of industries.