In case you missed them, here are some recent interesting financial planning news items from around the web.
When clients work past 70, RMDs are still required — and begrudged
Advisers claim current rules requiring those 70½ to start withdrawing funds from retirement accounts are outdated.
New AICPA survey reveals clients’ top retirement fears
The AICPA’s recent Personal Financial Planning Trends Survey explored what factors are impacting clients’ retirement planning peace of mind. Here are clients’ top concerns.
Will Alexa help blind clients with their accounts?
Voice assistants have become popular among the blind or vision impaired. But before voice assistants gain wider support in the financial realm, the voice devices need to overcome the same issues all clients have when it comes to talking about their finances with automation.
High-net-worth women defer to spouses for long-term financial planning
High-net-worth women worldwide tend to adopt a traditional “divide and conquer” approach in managing finances, where they defer to their spouses to manage critical, long-term planning, according to a new report.
Tech Corner - Do not disturb: How I ditched my phone and unbroke my brain
Unlike alcohol or opioids, phones aren’t an addictive substance so much as a species-level environmental shock. We might someday evolve the correct biological hardware to live in harmony with portable supercomputers that satisfy our every need, connecting us to infinite amounts of stimulation. But it hasn’t happened yet.