In case you missed them, here are some recent interesting business and industry news items from around the web.
Estimated taxes are due Jan. 15 and you don’t get a reprieve despite the shutdown
The government shutdown continues, but the IRS is heading into this tax season with a business-as-usual approach. The next deadline for estimated quarterly taxes is Jan. 15. No one gets a reprieve because of the shutdown.
There is now conclusive proof that Europe is in the midst of an economic slump. Data released Jan. 14 showed that industrial production throughout the whole of the eurozone dropped sharply, pointing to only a glacial pace of growth in the continent at the end of 2018.
Don't ignore these 10 global business risks in 2019
From coordinated cyberattacks on national critical infrastructure to a supply chain disruption of telecommunications components to an increase in terrorist activities on civilian targets, the number of potential disaster scenarios continues to grow in number and complexity. Here’s a list of this year’s key concerns for global business leaders.
4 questions to ask before sending employees to business conferences
As a business owner, it's your job to help your employees grow their careers, and one good way to do that is to make it possible for them to attend business conferences. The next time a conference gets announced that piques your employees' interest, ask these questions before giving the go-ahead.
Tech Corner - Data privacy: How to be worthy of consumer trust
If you want customers to be loyal to your company or to your brand, you need to protect their data and treat it with respect.