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Technology news from around the web: February 19 – 23, 2024

Written on Feb 23, 2024

Despite career concerns, IT admins see AI as net positive 
Some technologists are worried about the impact of the technology on their career outlook as enterprises embrace AI in their IT operations. 

2023 ransomware payments hit $1.1B record 
Ransomware activity is back with a vengeance with record payments in 2023 and continuing activity this year. 

Google tests a feature that calls businesses on your behalf and holds until an agent is available 
Google is testing a new feature called “Talk to a Live Rep,” would get rid of the need for users to wait countless minutes, and sometimes hours, listening to hold music trying to get connected to a customer service agent. 

Technologies becoming increasingly human in their use 
As the world continues its rapid adoption of technology, emerging technologies are set to become more ‘human by design’ – much more human-like and intuitive for people to use.