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Nonprofit news from around the web: May 20 – 24, 2024

Written on May 22, 2024

Organizations that want to get their trustees more involved in fundraising need to create a smart plan to help them get started, hold them accountable and foster a board culture that prioritizes this work. 

Nonprofits that want to improve how they engage Gen Z talent should consider these six tips. 

Putting a dollar value on volunteer hours will never do justice to their true worth, but it is just one way for to show the contributions individuals and organizations make. A new report shows national and state-by-state data on the value of volunteer time. 

Growth and fixed mindsets make for an elegant framework. But how do you translate amorphous “growth” into actionable steps? Here are some strategies to embrace this way of thinking for yourself as a leader and to encourage it in others. 

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