Application deadline released to apply for BEC & new CPA Exam disciplines

Written on Aug 10, 2023

The application deadlines to apply for BEC by jurisdiction and the first day applications will be accepted for the new Exam disciplines by jurisdiction have been released. 

In Ohio, the last day to apply for the BEC section is Oct. 1, 2023 for first-time test takers and Nov. 12, 2023 for those taking it multiple times. The first day to apply for new disciplines BAR, ISC, and TSP is Nov. 27, 2023.  

Required documents to include with the application vary by jurisdiction and may include but are not limited to: transcripts, SSN affidavit, proof of residency, notary form, photo, certificate of enrollment, request for testing accommodations and cheating policy, and any other documentation required by the State Board of Accountancy. 

If transcripts and other required documents are not received by the last day to apply, the application is considered incomplete and may not be processed. 

This information will be posted on and shared on NASBA’s social media platforms.