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Maryland Board discusses experiential learning applied toward 150-hour requirement

Written on Sep 15, 2023

At a Sept. 12 meeting the Maryland State Board of Public Accountancy expressed its sense that experiential learning credits may be applied toward meeting the 150-hour education requirement provided all other existing requirements contained in the Code of Maryland Regulations are met.

Experiential learning courses enable students to work part-time or full-time while gaining academic credits. We covered the finer details of what experiential learning could look like for the profession in May.

The Board also clarified that the work utilized to obtain experiential learning credits can be applied toward the one-year experience requirement. Finally, the Board noted that experiential learning credits could be obtained through testing.
Taken together these motions can enable an individual interested in becoming a CPA to do so in less time and make becoming a CPA less expensive, as individuals will be able to work and earn income while learning to become a CPA.