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CPA Voice: Increase your productivity with task batching

Written on Oct 5, 2023

Many strive to increase their productivity, but it is challenging to do. Task batching is a useful method that involves grouping specific tasks to get them done at one time.  

“This allows you to focus more deeply on a single task, saving time and energy by eliminating the need to switch back and forth between systems and tasks,” writes Jenna Blackwood, financial and accounting coordinator, Boomer Consulting, Inc., in the September/October issue of CPA Voice.  

Blackwood recommends grouping similar tasks, silencing your email, and utilizing project management tools in order to maximize one’s efficiency while completing and organizing short-term and long-term projects. Ultimately, this increase in productivity leads to long-term benefits. 

“A study published in the Harvard Business Review found that, on average, it takes a little over two seconds to switch from one application to another,” writes Blackwood. “That might not sound like much, but the average knowledge worker toggles between different applications and websites 1,200 times a day. Over a year that adds up to five work weeks, or 9% of your annual time at work.” 

Did you know that reading CPA Voice can help you satisfy your CPE requirement? No matter your location or the time of day – and even when your internet is on the fritz – you can gain CPE credit with each issue.       
Every edition includes a 12-question self-assessment exam covering content from that issue. Receive a grade of 75% or higher and you’ll earn one hour of CPE credit in specialized knowledge.           
Best of all, you can take the exam when and where it’s convenient for you. Exams are available online – and may be completed for CPE – through the same month of the following year.