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CPA Voice: Can pay transparency help CPA firms attract and retain talent?

Written on Apr 4, 2024
“CPA firms have spent time gambling on ways to expand their hiring pool, and for some, that means being more transparent about their pay—whether they’re required by law or not,” writes Carolyn Tang Kmet, senior lecturer in Loyola University Chicago’s Quinlan School of Business, in the March/April issue of CPA Voice.


The staffing challenges that the accounting profession has been facing have led some firms to adopt new approaches to attracting talent. Pay transparency is one approach that some firms are adopting, either because of new or current laws, or as a choice of the business.  

“Pay transparency laws will undoubtedly shift the balance of power between job seekers and employers and intensify the hiring process in competitive fields like accounting,” writes Tang Kmet. “However, CPA firms willing to play the game may see pay transparency as an opportunity to not only correct systemic bias and create a path to pay parity, but also use it as a beneficial recruiting tool to attract and retain talent.” 

Read the article available now in the March/April issue of CPA Voice.  

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