House Bill 5 becomes law!
Ohio’s municipal income tax system has long been an area of frustration and burden for Ohio's business community. House Bill 5, signed into law Dec. 19, 2014, is a great example of CPA leadership in action and demonstrates the power of a strong and unified voice for the profession.

Gov. Kasich signs House Bill 5 into law on Dec. 19, 2014 surrounded by OSCPA staff and other supporters.
OSCPA led these efforts, working with the Municipal Tax Reform Coalition, a partnership of 30+ organizations in Ohio driving reform of Ohio’s municipal income tax code. Together, they represent a large share of the business and individual taxpayers who are the lifeblood of Ohio’s economy.
Since 2014, OSCPA has continued to work for additional fixes to the most complicated municipal tax structure in the nation.
Read a summary of key H.B. 5 provisions. Most were effective Jan. 1, 2016.
Contact the Governmental Affairs team for more information on this and other legislative priorities:
Latest news on municipal income tax reform:
Feb 22, 2019
All were chosen from existing Ohio Department of Taxation staff:
Feb 20, 2019
Less confusion, less hassle and less frustration. That’s the difference opting in to centralized collection could make for you and your business this year.
Feb 13, 2019
Many Ohio businesses will miss out on the chance to save on some of their tax compliance burden – estimated by the Ohio Department of Taxation to collectively save Ohioans more than $800 million in administrative costs – if they ignore a deadline coming up March 1.