Risk management and fraud news from around the web: June 10 – 14, 2024

Written on Jun 10, 2024

How can businesses accurately track their data—determine its location, manage access and control user interactions? Addressing these concerns requires an evolution in data security practices that must occur in three crucial areas. 

Vaibhav Tare, chief information security officer of Fulcrum Digital, talks in this interview about how AI can be used in cyberdefense for threat detection. Defensive AI models use simulated attacks and historical data to anticipate patterns, Tare says. 

A culture of security initiated at the CEO level and working its way down to third-party vendors and temporary employees can help spread the word that cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility. 

Data mining and data profiling have different roles. Using one without the other is not an option for data management operations that want quality data and usable insights.