Ohio CPA Foundation board member becomes Lucas County Auditor

Written on May 09, 2024

By Cecilia Yontz, OSCPA marketing and communications intern 

After serving as an at-large member of the Toledo City Council for the past four years, Katie Moline, CPA, has started a new journey, serving as the Lucas County Auditor.  

“I'm excited to show my community the benefits of having a CPA in elected office,” said Moline. “I'm also excited about the opportunity to have more education and outreach as it relates to financial information in our community.” 

After graduating from Miami University in Oxford as a history and political science major, Moline got her master's degree and worked as a legislative aide for U.S. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur for about five years. 

Always having had various interests, Moline said she knew she wanted another type of career. After taking an accounting class at the suggestion of her dad, a CPA, she pursued her CPA license and worked for firms including Weber O’Brien, now GBQ, where she first became an OSCPA member. 

“When I was working for Congresswoman Kaptur, I remember so many constituents’ and citizens’ concerns dealt with money and finances,” said Moline. “Becoming a CPA to help people with financial matters has been a great opportunity. It’s a gift to be able to share with people, and I want to continue to do that in this role and beyond.” 

“Politics is often about exaggeration, but numbers don’t lie,” Moline says. “As a CPA, if I am given accurate information, I know the truth.” 

Moline also serves as a board member of The Ohio CPA Foundation. She is hoping to integrate the workforce development work on the board with her new role. She wants her office to be a platform for young professionals to get their start and use their experiences to better the community. 

Giving back to the community drives the work that Moline does. As Lucas County Auditor, her office has many responsibilities that she believes her professional background as a CPA will be able to enhance. Working with her office and her community, Moline aspires to make a difference. 

“I've been blessed with many opportunities from my education to what my city and community have allowed me the opportunity to do,” said Moline. “I want everyone to have that, and I want to share that however I can with the next generation and anyone that I serve.”