Why improved efficiency doesn’t always equal cash savings

Written on Jun 08, 2022

In this episode we're speaking with Reginald Lee, PhD, a business analytics professor at Xavier University and a co-founder of Business Dynamics & Research Ltd. We talked about the trap many businesses fall into when they are looking at cash savings and efficiency, the sales pitch that promises “you’ll save 50 millon dollars if you do this!” Reginald explained how that’s not always the case, and how it’s so crucial for CPAs to look at business improvement opportunities such as these in a different light. 

Fall Accounting Shows: https://ohiocpa.com/cpe/featured-learning 

Reginald's book: https://smile.amazon.com/Project-Profitability-Ensuring-Improvement-Projects/dp/1637421699/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2RQ5400P68MH&keywords=project+profitability&qid=1647017994&sprefix=project+profitability%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-1