ACLA program begins in Columbus

Written on Jul 31, 2020

Today, 25 students from across the state will gather in Columbus to attend the Accounting Careers Leadership Academy (ACLA). ACLA is a professional development opportunity for college students of color to prepare for a successful future in accounting. At OSCPA we talk a lot about building a pipeline of diverse professionals, but just talking isn’t enough. Which is why we are actively contributing to the pipeline through programs such as ACLA, sponsored by the Ohio CPA Foundation.

For the next two days these students will network with peers and accounting leaders, learn tips for job interviews, discover how to transition to being working professionals and participate in a career fair, among other exciting learning opportunities. And thanks to Foundation donors and sponsors of ACLA, students will attend the program for free.

According to an Accounting Today reports that “only 7% of students enrolled in accounting programs are black/African American, another 7% are Hispanic/Latino. Eleven percent are Asian/Pacific Islander. Those numbers are weak when compared to the U.S. population as a whole – 12% black/African American and 18% Hispanic (Kaiser Family Foundation). And, those numbers have not improved in a meaningful way for the past 10 years.”

The Ohio Society of CPAs and the Ohio CPA Foundation remain committed to improving the diversity in our profession, through programs like ACLA and other strategic initiatives. How is your company improving diversity in accounting? Let us know in the comments.