How curiosity and passion can fuel your success

Written on Jun 13, 2019

By Jessica Salerno, OSCPA senior content manager

A hectic schedule leaves little time for curiosity, but one business owner said that trait can be the key to exceeding your career expectations.

Tonya Tiggett“A lot of unexpected, fun things have happened for me,” said Tonya Tiggett, on the most recent episode of The State of Business podcast. “And I attribute them to a sense of curiosity and getting to know people and combining that curiosity with my interests and passion.”

Tiggett is now the owner of Tiggett & Co., an organization that teaches leadership and coaching skills. But at the beginning of her career she had a very different goal of being an interpreter at the UN. And when her bilingual abilities in Spanish led to an opportunity at JP Morgan Chase, she volunteered for stretch opportunities that eventually landed her a role in project and development.

Noticing her success, the organization recruited her into women’s leadership and she began working heavily in women’s initiatives in and outside of her full-time job. That experience and the connections she made gave her the resources and confidence to become an entrepreneur, despite never planning to work in business or be a business owner.

And although she said she won’t discount the possibility of making it to the UN one day, Tiggett encouraged others to remain curious and open-minded about new opportunities, even if it’s for something unknown.

“Have a beginner’s mentality of learning for the first time,” she said. “Because you’ll be less afraid to fail, and that curiosity leads you in some amazing places and amazing directions.”

Like curiosity, leadership can apply to anyone, and Tiggett will speak June 27 at OSCPA’s Women, Wealth & Wellness Conference on what it’s like to become a next-level leader.

“It doesn’t matter what job level you’re currently in,” she said. “One definition of being ‘next level’ is being bold and what that means for you. And what action comes out of being bold at any level to create a next level leadership opportunity or perception or brand.”

Listen to the complete interview now wherever you listen to podcasts.