The Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF) has released its 2018 Annual Report.
The annual report theme is Standards That Work: Rising to Meet the Future. It provides a glimpse of how FASB and GASB develop standards that work today and for the future—and how the FAF supports that process. For FASB and GASB, it includes robust research, implementation support, and an eye toward technical innovation. For the FAF, it includes appointing the right people to the Boards and implementing the right systems to support successful standard setting.
The 2018 Annual Report includes:
- Letters from FASB, GASB, and FAF leaders
- Snapshots of 2018 outreach and other activities that contribute to making standards work now and for the future
- Complete 2018 management’s discussion and analysis and audited financial statements (previously posted to the FAF website)
interactive, mobile-friendly version of the annual report incorporates video and visuals to tell the story. It also includes complete lists of all FASB and GASB advisory group members, including the Emerging Issues Task Force and the Private Company Council.