Tax news from around the web: May 13 – 17, 2019

Written on May 13, 2019

Lesson from The Tax Court: It takes more than winning to get the IRS to pay attorney fees
It’s always nice to beat the IRS in court. It is even sweeter when you can also make the IRS pay your attorney fees. But that is not so easy, even when you win.

H&R Block, TurboTax accused of obstructing access to free tax filing
Los Angeles' city attorney is suing tax-preparation software companies H&R Block and TurboTax-maker Intuit, alleging that they "defrauded the lowest earning 70% of American taxpayers" by impeding public access to an IRS program.

Tech Corner - "You should feel weird" about Amazon listening to what you say to Alexa, tech expert says
Amazon workers are listening to what you tell Alexa, a Bloomberg investigation revealed. So is there a legitimate business reason behind the practice?