Financial planning news from around the web: April 22 – 26, 2019

Written on Apr 24, 2019

These 5 states are home to the richest retirees, study finds
According to a recent study income levels for the average retiree can be very different depending on which state they call home. The study examined the average retirement and Social Security income in each of the 50 states.

Trump's rules for opportunity zones satisfy investors' wish lists
There's plenty of enthusiasm for new U.S. tax breaks for investing in low-income communities designated as opportunity zones. But many people have delayed spending because of uncertainty about how the incentives will work.

This may be the biggest challenge facing women in retirement
Retirement is scary. And women may have more reason to be fearful. According to numerous studies, they are living longer, making and saving less money than their male counterparts.

SEC commissioner calls for major changes to Reg BI
The SEC shows every sign of moving ahead with its proposal for new rules governing brokers and advisors, but Regulation Best Interest will need substantial revisions before it wins the support of the one Democrat currently on the commission.

Tech Corner — Is there a 5G network near you?
The age of the 5G smartphone is almost here, but before you buy one, you might want to think about where you have to go to find 5G service and how much you want to spend.