Make your after-the-fact write-up 30-40% more profitable

Written on Apr 18, 2019

With Accounting Power®, you’re in full control of your write-up work. Our unprecedented automation and power allow you to cut your data entry by 70%-80%, and spread your write-up work throughout the year to reduce your tax time crunch. Here's how.

Firstly, Accounting Power is designed for quicker, more efficient traditional heads-down entry. Dates can be changed without using the keyboard, reference numbers automatically increment, expense accounts automatically fill in based on the payee, and we offer convenient hashtag totals to verify the correct amounts and number of transactions.

But the real leap forward with Accounting Power write-up comes from using bank feeds. By using bank feeds to securely import transactions from client banks – and a host of other data as well – you can reduce your data entry time dramatically – often by 70% - 80%. The more transactions you’re importing, the greater the time savings.

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll be able to spread your write-up work throughout the year.

Schedule a no-obligation live demo to learn how to reduce user input errors, save time and aggravation in getting data from clients, easily offer real-time advice to clients and significantly reduce your stress level during tax time.