Register by April 1 to file municipal net profit tax

Written on Mar 28, 2019

From the Ohio Department of Taxation

Ohio businesses that have a taxable year that begins on February 1st, and want to file their 2019 municipal net profit tax with the Ohio Department of Taxation, must register on or before, April 1st  on the Gateway.

It’s easy.  Just sign-in to the Gateway -- Select Municipal Taxation – Net Profit Tax -- Choose the section: Administered by Ohio Department of Taxation – New; then select Registration.  

Businesses that choose to file this municipal tax with the state will file only one return that will cover all municipalities.

If you need assistance, please contact the Department of Taxation at (844) 238-0403.

You can also find all the information you need at the Department’s website:

NOTE: The guideline for registration to file the municipal net profit tax with the state is that it must occur on or before the 1st day of the 3rd month after the beginning of a business’ taxable year (e.g. Taxable Year begins August 1; registration due on or before October 1).