Financial planning news from around the web: March 25 – 29, 2019

Written on Mar 27, 2019

In case you missed them, here are some recent interesting financial planning news items from around the web.

Blockchain will upend the 401(k) market

Blockchain technology, while nascent among record keepers of defined-contribution plans, promises to boost cybersecurity, increase efficiency (thereby decreasing overall 401(k) plan costs) and vastly improve data sharing between advisers and record keepers.

Corporate transactions’ effect on retirement plans

CPAs and benefit plan advisers can play a vital role in helping C-suite executives put in place a strategy to address any changes needed to a company's retirement plan design due to a merger or acquisition. By being attentive to the effect a transaction will have on plan design at both companies (the buyer

Advisors' advice: 9 big mistakes advisors make

Advisors talk about mistakes they have made in their careers and how they moved forward.

Have multiple retirement accounts? Use them in this order.

Where you hold different kinds of investments—whether in a taxable, tax-deferred or tax-free account—and which assets you tap first for retirement income are significant factors that can impact after-tax returns over the long term.

Tech Corner - Verizon set to offer free robocall blocking app, new tech to combat spam – AT&T, Comcast, too

Verizon is getting ready to offer a free robocall blocking app at the end of this month, as it steps up efforts to combat the growing plague of spam calls.