In case you missed them, here are some recent interesting business and industry news items from around the web.
Three steps to monetizing your data through customer intelligence
How intelligent is your company about your customer? Do you know enough about them in order to create a personalized customer experience?
Why comfort will ruin your business
The key to performance and growth is coaching, but what distinguishes high-growth coaches from their less-effective peers? The best coaches — perhaps counterintuitively — create an environment of discomfort.
Why risk management should be a higher priority
Companies today are exposed to an ever-more-complex array of risks and uncertainties. Whether driven by geopolitical events, volatile financial markets, technology developments, cybersecurity threats, data privacy concerns, or climate change, coping with accelerating change is no longer an advantage, but a necessity.
Brexit concerns hover over capital markets
While it’s impossible to forecast the impact of Brexit with any confidence, solutions being considered will lead to the development of additional operational processes and an inevitable increase in corporate costs which means accountants will face additional responsibilities and tasks. These will extend beyond the counting and interpreting of numbers.
Tech Corner - What to do if your laptop is plugged in but not charging
If your laptop is plugged in but not getting any juice, these steps can help you troubleshoot.