Financial planning news from around the web: Feb. 11 – 15, 2019

Written on Feb 12, 2019

In case you missed them, here are some recent interesting financial planning news items from around the web.

Maryland bill would impose fiduciary duty on brokers, insurance reps
New legislation would require financial professionals to act 'without regard to' their own financial gains.

MeToo: Even in the financial advice industry, sexual harassment is a serious problem
A survey reveals the extent of assaults and other offenses financial advisers face, and what some industry groups are doing to address it

3 financial planning tips for pet owners
A survey of pet owners revealed that nearly half have prepared for the future care of their animals should their pets outlive them. Utilizing traditional financial planning instruments such as living trusts, life insurance and annuities, pet parents are able to have peace of mind knowing that their pets’ needs will be met.

Opinion: Flip the prenup into a financial planning tool
Instead of seeing a prenup as a way to simply protect your assets in the unfortunate event of a divorce, consider treating it as a tool to build a long-term financial plan with your partner before entering into marriage.

Tech Corner - What to do if your laptop is plugged in but not charging
If your laptop is plugged in but not getting any juice, these steps can help you troubleshoot.