Health care news from around the web: Jan. 28 – Feb. 1, 2019

Written on Feb 01, 2019

Public distrusts tax system, but trusts accountants
A new report from a trio of international accounting organizations finds a high level of distrust by the public globally in politicians and nongovernmental organizations when it comes to their nations’ tax systems, but a comparatively high level of trust in professionals such as accountants and (gasp!) lawyers.

3 patient status rules you must understand to get paid correctly
Misunderstandings created by years of variable-quality audits have caused hospitals to be so cautious they are misapplying CMS guidance and forgoing revenue. To ensure accurate payment, here are three patient status rules your staff members should understand and implement correctly.

Health systems fire up business incubators
The benefits of incubators explicitly tied to health systems run in all directions. The system gets early access to new technology, as well as potential financial returns. The startup gets a place to try out its new technology. And patients get access to new care models.

DOJ recovers $2.5B in health care fraud, false claims in 2018
The DOJ collected more than $2.5 billion in judgments and settlements related to healthcare fraud and false claims in 2018.

Tech Corner - Facebook to integrate WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger
Facebook plans to integrate its messaging services on Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. While all three will remain stand-alone apps, at a much deeper level they will be linked so messages can travel between the different services.