Health care news from around the web: Nov. 12 – 16, 2018

Written on Nov 15, 2018

Licensure under fire in the states
State legislators are coming together to challenge the necessity and value of occupational licensing. So far, there have been no direct challenges to whether CPAs should be licensed. However, there’s a national anti-licensure legislative strategy that does not distinguish between occupations and learned professions such as CPAs.

Ohio accepting proposals for ailments that could be treated with medical marijuana
Medical marijuana is not yet for sale, but Ohio is accepting proposals to expand the list of 21 medical conditions that would allow people to legally possess and use it.

5 technologies bringing health care systems into the future
Dr. John Halamka, CIO at Harvard’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a professor at Harvard Medical School, and a practicing emergency physician shares what he sees as the biggest health care problems the world is facing and the most promising technological solutions from a systems perspective.

Building a culture of transparency in health care
When team members are open and honest with each other, without fear, it leads to mutual trust, collaboration, and sharing of best practices across disciplines. Patients are the ultimate beneficiaries.

Tech Corner - Virtual reality makes food taste better
In another example of VR bleeding into real life, Cornell University food scientists found that cheese eaten in pleasant VR surroundings tasted better than the same cheese eaten in a drab sensory booth. That’s right: cheese tastes better on a virtual farm versus inside a blank, empty cyberia.