Overall charitable giving to nonprofits increased 4.1% while online giving increased 9.9% for the three months ending September 2018 compared to the same period in 2017, according to the latest figures from The Blackbaud Index.
Year-to-date, overall giving through September is up 4.5% and online giving is up 11%, according to Blackbaud.
Large organizations ($10 million or more in revenue) saw the biggest spike in giving, up 6.5%, compared with more modest increases of 1.4% for medium organizations ($1 million to $10 million) and 0.8% for small organizations (less than $1 million). The numbers were reversed for online giving, where small organizations had the biggest jump, up 17.4%, compared with 7.5% for medium organizations and 4.4% for large organizations.
Of the 11 types of subsectors tracked, five experienced increases in overall giving for the three months ending in September. When it came to online giving, only one subsector saw a decline.
For overall giving:
- +6.2%, human services
- +4.4%, public and society benefit
- +2.5%, K-12 education
- +1.6%, arts and culture
- +1.5%, faith-based
- -0.3%, international affairs
- -0.5%, healthcare
- -0.8%, higher education
- -0.8%, medical research
- -4.7%, foundations
- -6.2%, environment and animal welfare
For online giving:
- +17.8%, arts and culture
- +14.1%, faith-based
- +12.5%, public and society benefit
- +9.7%, healthcare
- +9.5%, higher education
- +5.0%, human services
- +4.4%, foundations
- +2.6%, K-12 education
- +0.3%, medical research
- 0%, environment and animal welfare
- -4.5%, international affairs