Financial planning news from around the web: Oct. 29 – Nov. 2

Written on Oct 29, 2018

In case you missed them, here are some recent interesting financial planning news items from around the web.

Education about tax treatment and fees could boost 401(k) participation
Findings from a survey about why employees do not participate in their employer-sponsored retirement plan offers opportunities for education.

How will a couple’s retirement look when there’s a big age gap?
The Pew Research Center looked at the age gap in couples. Does age matter? It can when it comes to retirement.

Alexa wealth management is developing faster than you think
Alexa can now do much more than check an account balance. Despite a complex web of integration issues across the industry, AI’s increasing role in wealth management is one of the main factors rapidly shaping development of financial planning technology.

Wild ways advisors win over clients
The relationship between advisor and client can often grow from strictly professional to more familial, but this doesn’t just happen overnight. Planners have a hard road of trust building to navigate before investors come to view them as more than a business associate.

Tech Corner - How to protect your front door deliveries
Don’t let those pesky porch pirates take your Amazon deliveries. Prevent package theft and improve your outdoor security with these tech gadgets and services.