Financial planning news from around the web: Oct. 1 – 5, 2018

Written on Oct 04, 2018

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In case you missed them, here are some recent interesting financial planning news items from around the web.

Top Google exec says accountants are creative. Here’s how.
Google’s Abigail Posner refutes the myth that accountants aren’t creative. In fact, she provides four solid examples of how they express creativity through problem-solving every day.

The profession’s biggest challenges
In a survey of accounting professionals, the impact of new technologies and accounting’s ability to adapt to the rapid pace of change were most frequently cited as the biggest challenges facing the profession, raising a host of subsidiary issues that accountants will need to address in the future.

New to planning? How to add value at your firm
In the financial planning field, great plans live and die in the finer points. But, most practices just don't have the time and resources to check complex calculations. That’s where you come in.

Five-generation study: Millennials face increased retirement, financial challenges
A new series of reports examines the financial challenges and perspectives on retirement planning across the Millennial, Gen X, Late Baby Boomer, Early Baby Boomer and Silent generations. This study builds on existing research focused on the societal impact of aging populations and the solutions for mitigating retirement risks.

Tech Corner - As facial-recognition technology grows, so does wariness about privacy
As facial-recognition technology expands in use, the number of calls for regulation amid privacy concerns also rises, even from the technology companies themselves.