The difference between good and bad turnover

Written on Jul 26, 2018

By Jessica Salerno, OSCPA senior content manager

Craig_HohnbergerNot all turnover is bad, especially when you consider the strategic goals of your organization.

“When bad employees for your business and culture are leaving, that’s good turnover,” said Craig Hohnberger, founder of Buji ActionCOACH. “It’s a problem when the best employees are leaving.”

Consider the hiring process. If your company is hiring the wrong people, it’s not surprising when they eventually leave or are fired. But rarely are you interviewing someone and imagining how you’ll fire them later.

“Unfortunately, most companies recruit based on only the skills or years of experience,” he said. “They’re not as intentional about how they’ll fit into the culture and then those bad hires don’t work out.” Instead employers need to consider candidates holistically.

If your company is losing its best employees at an alarming rate, then it’s time to understand the root of the problem.

Read the full article now and catch Craig Hohnberger at our upcoming fall shows when he discusses hidden financial metrics and, "How to finish your business so it can work without you."