MAP survey reminder: there’s still time to participate

Written on Jul 26, 2018

The deadline to participate in the 2018 AICPA PCPS/ National Management of an Accounting Practice (MAP) Survey has been extended to July 31. The survey enables you and your colleagues to benchmark against the top performers in the profession.

The CPA profession’s largest benchmarking tool has undergone a major overhaul to make it easier for busy practitioners like you. The new survey has been streamlined for increased relevance and focuses on important Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to help your firm better understand the new workplace as it looks to move successfully into the future. This redesign means it is easier to participate and takes significantly less time to complete.

Participation is free and open to all firms. Now in the time it takes to enjoy a coffee break or catch up on your favorite social media platform, you can complete the redesigned questionnaire with greater ease. All information is of course strictly confidential.

Click here to get started on the 2018 AICPA PCPS/ National Management of an Accounting Practice (MAP) Survey. Don’t delay.