Nonprofit news from around the web: July 16 - 20, 2018

Written on Jul 16, 2018

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In case you missed them, here are some recent interesting nonprofit news items from around the web.

Nonprofit jobs: Less stress, just as much work
The role of CFO or CEO at a nonprofit organization brings different challenges than finance chief are used to, but it's not a put-your-feet-up kind of job.

Endowments not meeting needed returns
A foundation might traditionally distribute about 5% of its endowment every year. When you factor in 2% for inflation, you need returns of 7 or 8% to keep above water. Those sorts of returns have not been the norm.

Five ways your nonprofit can successfully adapt to new technology
Successful nonprofit executives offer firsthand insights on nonprofit leadership & trends.

Ensuring excellence when you’re charting a new course
While many nonprofits and philanthropic efforts address large, globally recognized issues, some are focused on a niche cause of which the public isn’t aware. How do you garner awareness and provide the best service possible?

Tech Corner - The best Amazon Alexa skills
Trick out your Amazon Echo with the coolest and most useful skills in Alexa's arsenal. From news and local information to games, shopping, and travel, here are the skills you'll want in 10 top categories.