Financial planning news from around the web: June 25 – 29, 2018

Written on Jun 28, 2018

In case you missed them, here are some recent interesting financial planning news items from around the web.

The 7 deadly sins of fee-based advisors
Committing these sins can send clients fleeing into the arms of your competitors.

Social Security benefits buy 34% less than in 2000, study shows
Older Americans experienced a 4% loss in Social Security buying power from January 2017 to January 2018. For 2019, benefits are expected to increase by at least 3.3%, which could help reduce the year-over-year effect of higher costs.

Can student loans now be discharged in bankruptcy?
It's one of the most intensely-debated student loan questions: Can you discharge your student loans in bankruptcy? The short answer: normally, student loans are not dischargeable. However, that may change. Here's what you need to know - and why.

A retirement perk for deeply in debt millennials
Abbott Labs is making 401(k) contributions for workers who put at least 2% of their salary toward student loan payments.

Tech Corner - Hands off my data! 15 more default privacy settings you should change on your TV, cellphone plan, LinkedIn and more
It’s not just Google and Facebook that are spying on you. Your TV, your cellphone provider and even your LinkedIn account have side hustles in your data. But, in many cases, you can opt out - if you know where to look.