Survey: A third of female business owners doubt their success

Written on Jun 27, 2018

A survey of female entrepreneurs in Scotland has revealed that a third question their own success.

Royal Bank of Scotland research suggests 33% of women microbusiness owners suffer from "imposter syndrome," or fear of being exposed as a fraud.

Microbusinesses make up 94% of Scottish firms, according to the bank, and are defined as those employing nine employees or fewer and generating less than £500,000 (~$657,000) a year.

Almost half (46%) of microbusinesses owned by women were set up in the past five years, with a third of owners between the ages of 35 and 44.

The survey found 63% believe innovation is important for the future of their business, compared with 54% of men who responded, and cybersecurity was regarded as important by 76% of women, compared to 60% of men.

The research conducted by YouGov also identified a third of women owners who reported feelings of anxiety, nervousness and discomfort in relation to their business.

Women were more worried than men across all categories, from balancing work and family commitments to managing stress and anxiety at work.