Individual Donors

Foundation_Logo_Refresh_2017_v3The individuals listed below have been instrumental in advancing the mission and programs of The Ohio CPA Foundation. Thank you to everyone who has contributed.

The donors listed helped further the Foundation's work in 2023.

Interested in becoming a donor? Find out how.




($25,000 and up)

The Brockman Family Fund


($10,000 - $24,000)

Courtney Clark
Bob Fay
Dave Simko


($5,000 - $9,000)

Bruce Jarosz
Don Mellott
Craig Miller
Jake Nix
Carolyn Smith
Scott Wiley


($2,500 - $4,999)

Stan Corwin
Chad Frush
Ebonie Jackson
Dane Mayle
Jamie Menges
John Rife
Tom Skelley


($1,000 - $2,499)

Anonymous (2)
Carin Agriesti
Sandra Alibrando
Chris Barrett
George & Martha Bethea
Kyle Bickhart
Paul Breen
Dave Brockman
Tom Burkhardt
Michael Busta
Libby Cullins
Jan Culver
Dave Eyster
Rick Fedorovich
Bob Goldie
Don Grieshop
Teri & Michael Haught
Chris Igodan
Bob Lehman
Nobby Lewandowski
Jeff Lynn
John McCarthy
Bill Miller
Jay & Christina Moeller
Jim Rollins
Greta Russell
Jan Scheid
Ali Strohm
Ali Strohm
Linda Trevorrow
Bob Wardega
Angie Wirick
Jon & Kim Zavislak


($500 - $999)

Melissa Ashley
Tom Bechtel
Tiffany Crosby
Dick Dailey
Rhonda Elifritz-Rix
Gregg Feltrup
Todd Fentress
Tenesha Hartgrove
Chaz Hixen
Ed Jones
Greg Jonovich
Tom Jordan
Lori Kaiser
Daniel Kipp
Craig Marshall
Fred Miller
Cindy Powell
Vicky Price
Tom Pryor
Curt Robson
Kerry Roe
Mike Scheiding
Tony Schweier
Larry Warner
Mark Welp
Phil Wilson
Ellen Wisbar
Connie Woods


($100 - $499)



(Under $99)