In the wake of the devastating tornadoes and other extreme weather events affecting Ohio in recent months, OSCPA has launched a webpage with disaster relief resources to help you and those you serve navigate unexpected events.
Knowing where to turn when disaster strikes is critical to resuming regular operation. OSCPA has assembled a variety of resources and links to guide your efforts in serving as a trusted business adviser d in determining next steps for victims of an unexpected calamity. Current resources include links to:
- Severe Weather Toolkit from the Ohio Department of Insurance
- Disaster Preparation and Recovery Toolkit from the Ohio Department of Insurance
- American Red Cross assistance with shelter, food and disaster recovery
- Federal Emergency Management Assistance (FEMA) resources and information
- Small Business Administration Disaster Loans
- Disaster Declaration Fact Sheet
- The CPA's Guide to Providing Disaster Assistance
- The Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Guide.